MGT2: CUstomer Relationship Management
Management 2 - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most important components for sustenance and growth of an organization. With the advancement of software technologies, significant progress
has been made in designing and managing CRM systems. These efforts envisage facilitating better customer interactions and greater understanding about customers; thus helps an organization build competitive advantages. This course plans to impart a
sound introduction to CRM, a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved, strong understanding of software components in different CRM systems, and practical applications of CRM in different sectors.
CC 105: Information Management
This course will familiarize students with the way in which information and communications technologies (ICTs) are used in organizations to provide decision-relevant information and to enable them to understand how systems are designed and implemented to meet organizational needs.
This course is applicable to business courses in finance, human resource, marketing, management or related business and management fields and in larger enterprises. Learners in this course will have a sound basis for understanding the functioning of any information system they may encounter in practice, and should be able to relate its features to the conceptual enterprise framework presented in this course. This should allow them to be informed consumers and users of information and communication technologies.
MGT 3: Self-Efficacy and Leadership
This course tackles how to develop person's judgment to successfully exert leadership by setting a direction for the work group, building relationships with followers in order to gain commitment to goals, and working with them to overcome obstacles to change.
MGT 4: People Skills and Stress Management
This course will enable learners to consider the management of workplace stress at an individual and organisational level, and will help participants develop and implement effective strategies to prevent and manage stress at work.
Multimedia Art 3
This is the CMO course equivalent to TESDA 3D Animation NC III needed for the credit transfer in Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Art.