Physics 2 "Thermodynamics"

Physics 2 "Thermodynamics"

This subject "Thermodynamics"  deals variables and equations of state. Basics concepts like heat, temperature, inner energy and enthalpy. Classical kinetic theory of gases, temperature, velocity and Maxwell's velocity distribution. The ideal gas law and other simple equations of state for gases and other physical systems. The laws of thermodynamics. Macroscopic definition of and Boltzmann's equation for entropy. Thermodynamics potentials. Maxwell's and other thermodynamic relations. Phase transitions.

Technical Drafting

Technical Drafting

This is a laboratory course which is designed to develop abilities needed to acquire basic knowledge and skills in interpreting and reading engineering drawings and plans, which is the basic language in the field of construction industry.

Heat Load Calculation

Heat Load Calculation

This subject covers calculation of heating and cooling loads determine appropriate selection of equipment in new construction. Content includes construction and heat transfer through structure, and computations for heat gains and heat losses for various building structures. Energy related calculations for annual energy consumption estimates are included in this course.